

This archive is the result of 50-plus years of research by renowned historian, Gail G Holmes, documenting the history of the Latter-day Saint pioneers at the Missouri.

The Kindex® system recognizes the following “A” Events in this Archive:
A Celebration of Winter Quarters in Historic Florence
A Children 's Carnival
A Conference of Seventies
A Convention of the Republicans of the Third District
A Fall Open House
A Food Festival
A Frontier War
A General Conference
A General Conference of the Saints
A Good Day to Die
A Good Day to Die !
A Meeting of the seventies
A Michael McLean Concert
A Missouri Expedition
A Mormon Battalion Trek
A New Year
A Pot - Luck Picnic
A Rural Gathering—13 Ideas for Recreating Rural Communities Presbytery of Des Moines
A Seventies Conference
A Seventies Jubilee
A Trans - Mississippi Congress
Ag Day
Age of Revolution
Ak - Sar - Ben World Championship Rodeo
Alaska Purchase
Ameri - can Civil War
Ameri- can Civil War
American Association of State and Local History
American Bi - Centennial Observations
American Civil War
American Civil War Era
American Commonwealth Series
American Crossroads to the West
American Culture Series
American Depression
American Expedition
American Fur Trade of the Far West
American Indian Chicago Conference
American Indian Day
American Indian Education Conference
American Indian Tribal Gathering
American Nation Series
American Revolution
American Revolution Bicentennial Year
American Revolutionary War
American Revolutionary War.\nDespite
American Trade & Exploration
American War
American West Celebration
An Antique Quilt Show
An April 29 Preview Conference
An International Antique Show & Sale
Anglo - Dutch War with England
Annapolis Convention
Annual Bald Eagle Appreciation Days
Annual Business Meeting
Annual Conf .
Annual Conference
Annual Conference of the Church
Annual Conference of the Church at Miller ’s Hollow
Annual Fall Rendezvous
Annual Farm Days
Annual General Conference of the Church
Annual General Meeting
Annual Governor 's Lecture in the Humanities
Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa
Annual Mardi Gras
Annual Meeting
Annual Meeting and Preservation Conference
Annual Meeting of Directors
Annual Meeting of the National Council
Annual Meeting of the Society of Ethnobiology
Annual Meeting of the Western History Association
Annual Meeting.—At
Annual Meeting.—President
Annual Meeting.—The
Annual Meetings
Annual Pony Express Re - Ride
Annual Re - Union for 1876
Annual Record of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company
Annual Region 7 Conference
Annual Register of Grant Support
Annual Rendezvous
Annual Tournament
Annual Trappers Rendezvous
Annual Turkey Shoot
another Critter Concert
another General Conference
another Indian War
anti - Civil War
Anti - Slavery Struggle
any ' Special Conference '
Apache Wars
Appalachian Trail Conference
Apple Saturday Festival-
Appreciation Dinner
April 6 General Conference
April Conference
April General Conference
April Volunteer Banquet
Arbor Day
Arbor Day '
Archaeology Week
Arikara War
Armed Forces Day
Armed Forces Day Observance
Army Reunion
Arrows to Aerospace Celebration
Art at the Depot / Quilt Show
Art Deco
Arts on the Green Festival
Ashland Mormon Trail Celebration
Assault at Quebec
Astorian Expedition
Astorian Trail
Atlantic Festival
Atlantic Kiwanis Horse Show
Augsburg League
August Fair